Pastor Ressee Turner
410-679-4000, x112
What is H.E.A.R.T.?
H.E.A.R.T. stands for "Health Education Advocacy Response Team." The H.E.A.R.T. Ministry offers a variety of services to our congregation and our surrounding communities. All information is kept confidential. All services are offered free of charge. Listed below are a few of our services currently offered. If you don't see a service listed, please contact us, as we may be able to help.
Cancer Companions
Grant Research Assistance
Energy Assistance (through Dollar Energy)
Resource Information
Grief Share
Financial Guidance
Housing Information
Spiritual Support
Personal One on One Prayer Time
Medical Equipment Assistance
Prescription Assistance Programs
And more
Cancer Companions
Cancer Companions is a free program open to people with a new diagnosis of cancer, those currently under treatment, those who have finished treatment, their families and caregivers. This is a great support program. Please come out and join us. If you are unable to come out, we can bring the program to you. For more information on Cancer Companions, contact Jan McMillen at jmcmillen@trinityjoppa.org.
Grief Share
Grief Share is a program here at Trinity that is designed to help those who are grieving the loss of a family member or friend. After a significant loss, it may be hard to feel optimistic and be able to move on. You also may find it hard to find someone who understands how you feel after such a deep loss. This can be a confusing time, facing situations you have never been in before. You may feel isolated, alone and with nowhere to go for help.
Grief Share is a compassionate group of trained and caring people to walk with you through one of the most difficult times in your life. You don’t have to go through this alone. Grief Share provides seminars and support groups and valuable resources to help you to start healing and begin to move forward with your life. Healing from your grief is not easy. Sometimes it is a long and painful journey. Everyone’s journey is different.
The Grief Share Team wants to help you in your journey to healing and wholeness. For questions or more information please contact us.
Stephen Ministry is grounded in Jesus’ commandment to love one another. Through a one on one relationship, those who are hurting receive the love and support they need to start healing. Our Stephen Ministers work with members of our congregation and community who need the support of a good Christian friend as they go through challenging times in their lives. Everyone goes through difficult times. Having someone who cares, to listen and to share God’s love, can help a person work through things such as grief, loneliness, stress and chronic illness. They will not pass judgement on you or your situation. Our Stephen Ministers are here to share God’s love and support with individuals of the same gender. All information is kept strictly confidential. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to help you. All you have to do is call.
For more information or to be assigned your own Stephen Minister contact:
Bill Rehrig, 410-679-2526 or (Email) william.rehrig@yahoo.com
Brenda Consorto, 443-567-0345 or (Email) bconsorto@yahoo.com
Our pastoral visitation team is dedicated to providing spiritual care to individuals and families in our faith community at all junctures in life. Whether you are facing a particular difficulty, an upcoming medical procedure, struggling with the loss of a loved one, sick or homebound, or could just use a friendly face to talk and pray with, we are more than happy to meet with you either in-person or via phone, depending on the nature of your need. Simply contact any of our pastoral visitation team below and we will gladly set up a time to meet with you.